alarmed - significado y definición. Qué es alarmed
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Qué (quién) es alarmed - definición

Alarmed; Alarming; The Alarm (disambiguation); Alarm (film); Alarm (song)

adj. alarmed at, by (we were alarmed at the news of the earthquake)
If someone is alarmed, they feel afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.
They should not be too alarmed by the press reports...
ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ by/at n
·Impf & ·p.p. of Alarm.
II. Alarmed ·adj Aroused to vigilance; excited by fear of approaching danger; agitated; disturbed; as, an alarmed neighborhood; an alarmed modesty.


Alarm (disambiguation)

Alarm may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para alarmed
1. you've undoubtedly been alarmed,
2. which really alarmed him.
Natural Born Heroes _ Chris McDougall _ Talks at Google
3. Now don't be alarmed.
The Future of Happiness _ Amy Blankson _ Talks at Google
4. alarmed about climate change.
Stephen Lacey _ Clean Energy Storytelling - 15 Years of Greentech Reporting _ Talks at Google
5. instead of being alarmed,
Ejemplos de uso de alarmed
1. We were alarmed and when you are alarmed, you end up making mistakes.
2. University leaders are alarmed about campus security.
3. Eurosceptics, meanwhile, were alarmed by the title.
4. The open disagreements have alarmed some economists.
5. However, university language departments are alarmed.